
Final Submission

Electroliquid aggregation:
Continuity of space and form expresses the fluid material property of concrete

The solid form of concrete which widely known for its linear structural properties was contradicted by Oscar Neimeyer, who expressed the fluid material property of concrete. The envelope of this tram stop's exaggerated curves, which also aligns with Neimeyer's view of architecture as voluptuous, is purely formed of concrete, which has flowed in such as senss that it creates a continuity of space and form inspired by Marc Fornes. The glass walls which have water flowing through also emphasises the sense of continuity and flow within this tram stop. 

Recent architectural designs have shown a primary focus on the sustainability of designs that are innovative, withstanding the test of time. This tram stop holds dual purposes; one, to provide transportation for the public and two; to exploit the weather when raining to catch and store grey water underground whilst also providing clean, drinkable water to patrons utilising the tram stop. The sole water catchment is found above the curved roof, and travels down the glass walls to the underground water tank, enhancing the concept of the fluidity of concrete.

Water Catchment
This image depicts the effect of light and shadow on the water feature wall. It portrays how in light the water wall is light and continuous, much like the fluid nature of concrete. Whilst in the dark the feature wall is static and harsh looking, also like reciprocating the hardness and harshness that is concrete.

Chosen Textures:
Light Texture:
The gentle light strokes of this texture have been places on the arching beams, geometrically inspired by this texture, that uphold the tram tracks. The delicate bounding arches that are consistent with its space and shape correlated to the continuity of space and form found throughout the tram stop.

Medium Texture:
The curving lines that layer over one another have been placed within the curved "S" shapes found on the barriers on each stop. Reflective of the fluid nature of concrete, this texture accentuates the continuous flowing nature of concrete through its flowing strokes that are contrasted by linear lines that also reflect the harshness of concrete.

Dark Texture:
Striking geometric lines form this texture that is found on the face of each step on the stair well. Its consistent geometry compounded by its strong linear lines is reflective of the flowing element of space and the synonymous form. 

Additional Images

Water bubbler at rear

Underground water tank


Final Model
Updated note: Models v02 and vFINAL did not upload properly as the files were corrupted. I only noticed this, this morning, hence my reupload of those files on dropbox. Sorry
Dropbox Link to Lumion Files

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