

Light To Dark

Chosen Textures:
Light Texture:
The gentle light strokes of this texture have been places on the arching beams, geometrically inspired by this texture, that uphold the tram tracks. The delicate bounding arches that are consistent with its space and shape correlated to the continuity of space and form found throughout the tram stop.

Medium Texture:
The curving lines that layer over one another have been placed within the curved "S" shapes found on the barriers on each stop. Reflective of the fluid nature of concrete, this texture accentuates the continuous flowing nature of concrete through its flowing strokes that are contrasted by linear lines that also reflect the harshness of concrete.

Dark Texture:
Striking geometric lines form this texture that is found on the face of each step on the stair well. Its consistent geometry compounded by its strong linear lines is reflective of the flowing element of space and the synonymous form. 

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